Lawn Care and Mowing


A little lawn care goes a long way. We'll get your lawn back into shape, by mowing,  scarifying, or spreading seed. These services can be provided on request.
Fertilizing is a great way to green up your lawn.


Fertilising is important if you want to have deep lush green grass! The Lady Gardeners may be able to help you with this or we might refer you on to another reputable local company. You may choose to go the organic way where a layer of top dressing compost in Spring and Autumn will give the nutrients your lawn needs.


If you have a lot of moss or yellowing in your lawn, the grass health may not be ideal. Scarifying can help this. Scarification is the process by which the undergrowth or thatch is physically removed from a lawn. It can be a harsh process and, initially, will make your lawn look worse but, ultimately, can make it much, much better. So please have faith! We highly recommend that you only undertake a process of scarification during growing seasons and when it’s not too hot and dry. Speak to The Lady Gardeners about improving the grass on your lawn.